Friday, February 4, 2011

Communication Goals

The communication goals of the logo are:
• To represent Watauga County and the high country
• To represent domesticated animals
• To be illustrative and rustic
• To be a new direction from their previous logo
• To inspire people to take a “new look” at Watauga Humane

I want my viewers to:
• Wonder if “that’s the same Watauga Humane” that’s been around
• Be intrigued by their new logo and want to come visit
• Find the logo fitting and appealing both to the high country and animals

The communication goals of the poster are:
• To help educate people about the need for volunteers
• To help people understand the different ways of volunteering
• To help people understand that even if you can’t donate money you can donate time
• To help people understand that animals thrive on interaction
• To help people understand that Watauga Humane is only as nice and clean as people make it and want it to be
• To generate excitement and awareness

I want my viewers to:
• See bright colors and stop and look at the poster
• Be inspired
• Be happy about animal rights and care
• Be amused by the slogans and take time to read the poster
• Volunteer at Watauga Humane
• Donate their used dog and cat toys
• Donate blankets and food
• Participate in fundraisers like Rent A Puppy

The communication goals of the brochure are:
• To give people more information about Watauga Humane
• To give a complete list of services offered
• To give a brief history of the organization
• To give more information on volunteering/fostering
• To give directions to the dog park
• To give information on their new facility that opens in July 2011

I want my viewers to:
• Be more informed about WHS
• Realize that WHS may have a lot more to offer
• Understand the importance of flea and heart worm medication
• Understand the importance of spay/neuter
• Want take advantage of the dog park and other services, like the food pantry

The communication goals of the website are:
NOT to rehash everything that’s in the brochure
• Provide some information, but just enough so they have to call or visit
• Provide a list of all adoptable animals
• Provide a link to an adoption application
• Provide a page dedicated to education – how to care for your pet, etc…
• Provide a page that coincides with my “dog breed guide”
• Provide an interactive experience that gets people excited about the new facility and caring for animals

I want my viewers to:
• Get passionate and get interested
• Be more informed about what goes into owning an animal (money, time, etc…)
• Have access to pictures and information about the available animals
• Have the pictures touch their hearts
• Have access to important documentation for adoption
• Generally be more informed about Watauga Humane, and about animals in general

The communication goals of the Dog Breed Guide are:
• To educate people about the different breeds of dogs
• To educate people about the personalities that go with different breeds
• To educate people the needs of different breeds
• To really accentuate how much goes into taking care of a dog

I want my viewers to:
• Find the dog that fits “their lifestyle”
• Make sure they completely understand the needs of their dog (exercise, training)
• Understand that big dogs (like Huskies and Great Danes) MUST have a big yard and not a teeny apartment
• Understand that yes, pets are friends, but they are also a lot of work

Digital Poster Roughs 5-8

Digital Poster Roughs 1-4

I wanted to have the posters be fun and more hip since Watauga is moving to a bigger and better facility. I wanted to grab people's attention while still giving them volunteer information. People remember catch phrases and things that make them laugh. I stuck with the blue mostly because the administrator of Watauga Humane expressed to me that they would like to keep the blue theme that they have now.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Poster: Thumbs and rough sketches

Little thumbs for the poster on Volunteering/Donating that I'm doing for Watauga. I want them to be fun and new and hip to go along with opening their new facility in July.